north korea

Five Fast Facts from the Singapore Summit

The summit in Singapore between the United States and the DPRK is over, and there is a lot of discussion in the press, to say the least.  Here are five takeaways that I saw: The word “historic” has been used quite a bit about the meeting between Kim Jong Un and President Trump, but truly, the only thing historic about it was that the president of the United States attended. Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama all had a standing invitation to meet with their respective counterpart in the [...]

By |2024-05-18T17:49:15-04:00June 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Admiral Locklear Vying for Bill Nye the Science Guy’s job

Today, the U.S. commander of all pacific forces, Admiral Samuel Locklear III, stated that climate change was the biggest threat to national security.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Climate change. Before I’m castigated as a Neanderthal, I see his argument.  I really do.  Massive climate change engenders a plethora of natural disasters, which break down societal structures and cause a weakening of the overall state architecture.  But listing this as THE threat to the United States?  Maybe in three hundred years.  But if we’re looking at probabilities such [...]

By |2013-03-11T16:12:37-04:00March 11th, 2013|Blog|4 Comments
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