Brad Taylor
Brad Taylor was born on Okinawa, Japan, but grew up on 40-acres in rural Texas. Graduating from the University of Texas, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Infantry. Brad served for more than 21 years, retiring as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. During that time he held numerous Infantry and Special Forces positions, including eight years in 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta where he commanded multiple troops and a squadron. He has conducted operations in support of US national interests in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other classified locations.
January 2025
Character and moral judgement matter. The SECDEF should personify that.
The Pentagon from above in Washington, DC Most of the conversation about Pete Hegseth’s nomination for secretary of defense has focused on issues of his perceived lack of leadership experience running a mammoth organization like the DoD, or [...]
May 2024
Terrorism Works
I wrote a primer on terrorism a few years ago, which discussed why a rational person could be seduced into acting as a terrorist, and we’re seeing that in real time as protests rock college campuses all across the country. [...]
October 2022
Elon Musk and the Fallacy of Faux Authority
Elon Musk has made multiple headlines in the last few weeks, none of which had anything to do with electric cars or flying to Mars. First, out of the blue, he posted a poll on Twitter for his solution to [...]
March 2022
Ukraine’s No-Fly Zone isn’t as Simple as it Sounds
Discussion continues about a no-fly zone in Ukraine. The discussion of a no fly zone has been debated for weeks, and I’ve answered many questions from neighbors, friends, readers at book events and folks on social media, [...]
A Simple Primer on Counter-Leadership Targeting
Amar Mehta, 2022 Lindsey Graham & Vladimir Putin, [], Sky News. The world is a-twitter (pun intended) after Senator Lindsey Graham’s tweet stating that the only way to end the conflict in Ukraine is by removing Putin – in effect, [...]
August 2021
This is a NEO. It’s Time to Execute it.
The rapid fall of Kabul tore a hole in my heart. It’s taken me days to get my mind around what we’re witnessing and garner some focus to write this. First and foremost, I’m not surprised at the speed with [...]