Given the sequence of events over the past few days, I’d be willing to bet that Paula Broadwell really wishes she’d picked a different title. Sparing any lewd analogies, it’s certainly looking like everyone who’s had anything to do with GEN Petraeus is all in this investigation. GEN Allen is now being investigated for sending a “number” of emails to Jill Kelley – the number being so high it boggles my mind – and the FBI special agent who started the investigation as a favor to Kelley is under scrutiny for being obsessed with her and sending topless photos of himself via text. What’s next?
All I’m waiting on is a story about Broadwell driving from North Carolina to Florida wearing a diaper and a wig, like the NASA shuttle astronaut Lisa Nowak.
There are a plethora of conspiracy theories surrounding GEN Petraeus’s resignation, mostly centered on the Benghazi investigation, but I think that may be a reach. It just makes no sense, given that Petraeus will likely testify anyway. Blackmailing him or preventing him from testifying by destroying his family and career in order to “cover up” Benghazi ignores an obvious fact: In the end, GEN Petraeus has absolutely nothing restraining him from fighting back, but now has a great incentive to do so.
Benghazi has generated other conspiracy theories, including that after the fight began, the military and CIA, either by themselves or under orders, refused to provide any help to the beleaguered consulate. I think this too will eventually be debunked when the story is fully vetted. It’s my belief, because of the complete lack of prior planning driven by a desperate need to prove Libya was a success, that the response was about what could be expected. Talking heads who draw lines on a map, then claim “someone” could have been available in X time are simply being armchair quarterbacks without an understanding of basic military logistics. It takes my wife thirty minutes to get ready to go to dinner, yet according to the armchair quarterbacks on TV, we could have had an entire assault force, complete with transportation, on the ground in a foreign country within two hours. Yeah, that would have been possible if there’d been a security plan in the first place.
The analogy I use is a firehouse. Imagine if your local firehouse, for whatever reason, stood down for a week, with the fire trucks and men being scattered around the state. If you gave it a call during an emergency, they’d take some time getting together, re-equipping, and launching to your fire. Now imagine making that same call to a firehouse that’s standing ready to respond. It’s the difference between having a plan and trying to come up with a plan after a crisis has erupted. I guarantee when the initial military person heard about the assault on the consulate in Benghazi, his first question was, “Where the hell is Benghazi?” The Pentagon Spokesman himself, when asked about the response, said, “The entire U.S. Government was operating from a cold start.” And THAT is the real crime.
We “won” Libya “on the cheap”, and by no means were we ever going to put any boots on the ground, so it became politically expedient to ignore any security threats. After all, embassies get threats all the time. To take the threats in Benghazi seriously would have entailed a reaction plan, complete with troops on standby – much like a firehouse. Doing that would be tantamount to admitting that Libya wasn’t the wonderland the administration wanted us to believe it was. Far from increasing security, the administration pulled out what little military capability we had, and the result was as predicted in numerous alerting emails and cables from the consulate.
So, at the end of the day, I think the various conspiracies swirling around GEN Petraeus and Benghazi will not be born out. It is what it is: a man guilty of infidelity and an attack against a diplomatic outpost that had inadequate security and no plan for reinforcement. The only question in my mind is the timing of the release of information.
I find it incredible that the director of the CIA was being investigated by the FBI and nobody in the administration had a clue. It’s simply not feasible. Petraeus was personally interviewed by the FBI at the end October. At that time, he admitted to the affair, and more than likely began writing his resignation letter. It stretches the imagination that the administration had no idea about an investigation that had been ongoing for months against the most powerful man in the intelligence community. It’s just not possible, no matter how many “protocols” the FBI will inevitably hide behind.
I’m not taking sides in a political fight, but the fact is that having this come out prior to the election would not have been beneficial to the incumbent. At the time the entire affair was boiling to a head, Benghazi reporting, as sparse as it was (which frankly deserves its own investigation. Why does this infidelity consume the press to the point of ripping open every scab available, but the deaths of four Americans, including an ambassador, barely created a ripple?), had taken a backseat to Hurricane Sandy. Compare that to today’s reporting, and you’ll get an idea of where Hurricane Sandy would have fallen on the news scale had this come out before the election. Benghazi would have been the star, and that would be a storm rolling right through the election with as much destructive force as Sandy itself.
Of course, I could be proven wrong. This story has so many twists and turns I doubt anyone short of a diaper-wearing astronaut will be able to predict the outcome.
This mess is getting more involved than an episode of “Dallas”. And I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh on Petraeus/Allen: “Too Many Generals Taking Orders From Their Privates.”
Dallas ? Heaven forbid the world get THAT messed up ! 🙂
Larry H., RIP
I agree with Brad on this one. Why the need to keep a lid on this until after the election. It’s not like the President had anything to do with it? The real question that should have come out is what really happened that night in Benghazi. Ultimately if there was an intel failure, the GEN. Will get the blame as DCI, but that has no bearing on his inappropriate affair.
In the end it’s a shame to see such a successful and well liked person like General Petraeus fall from grace as he did. He dedicated his life to service of this country for which we should all be thankful. I feel sorry for his family and can only hope they can come together and move forward from this. Maybe not forget, but at least forgive.
I guess for me what comes to mind would be. WWPLD
What Would Pike Logan Do?
Sounds like potential for a book chapter sometime Brad. 🙂
Following this week’s Veterans Day celebrations, I find it appropriate and necessary to thank you and all of your comrades in arms who have proudly and faithfully served our nation regardless of whether you were in a support role back here in CONUS, located at some base OCONUS or sent down range to engage our enemies. As the father of a son who has served in the US ARMY for 12 years so far and has been in harms way, it is important that we all recognize our current service members and our veterans like Brad for they selfless service to our country. Even, in wake of the infidelity, this fact of human frailty does not dimish the service and sacrifice made by GEN Petraeus and his family. Thank you!
Amen, Mr. Jenkins . . . I could not have complimented his service or thank him for what he has done for his nation any better than that!
Always love your point of view Brad in these blogs. You always have great analogies that help clarify the issue(s) at hand.
Mr. Taylor:
Yours is probably the best assessment I’ve read of the whole freakin’ mess. My nephew served under GEN Petraeus in the 101st and was of the adamant belief that he was absolutely the most talented and the brightest in the US Army’s ‘arsenal’ of flag officers. Having researched him extensively, I would agree with that.
Bottome line for me is:
A) Benghazi ‘is what it is’. The administration was willing to shortchange any concept of security (meaning none) because, they’re a buncha short-sighted asshole politicians (read: Panetta) who would sell their souls to Satan to save or enhance their political ass. And that…is not taking poltical sides either. Seems the whole bunch of them, R and/or D, are built that way. I do not think the whole thing will ever be vetted in such a way that it should (read: become public in anyway, shape, or form) as it has the potential to destroy BHO’s presidential ‘legacy’…excluding the real possibility he could piss that away on his own. And…
B) It boggles my mind that a guy as bright, politically seasoned, and incredibly able as a geometric thinker, as GEN Petraeus is, that thinking with his penis (and enabling his substantial ego) became his downfall. This guy was presidential material and Obama knew it three years ago…hence baiting him with the massive enchilada of running the CIA and for all effect, putting him ice until after BHO’s term.,..or 2 terms. GEN Petraeus was a real threat to Obama in the political arena…until BHO found out about the affair. Simply put, it’s difficult not to think that GEN Petraeus got played by a f***ing amateur politician, who just happens to be running the country. Ego can be totally blinding…just ask Eisenhower’s driver.
It’s not all the sexual activity that upsets me. Why couldn’t we send in air power, launch some missiles, buy our people some time to get in a Delta or Seal Team to rescue our men ? These are great young men we lost. All of our young men and women in uniform are my heros. I give them more respect than I do one politician in Washington. I’m 67 years old now and I look at things different than I did in the 60’s & 70’s.
Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple. Launch a missile where? Just into the city? Take a look at Google Earth and you’ll get an idea of how big Benghazi is. Launching airpower or missiles would have killed hundreds of civilians, and would have done little to stop the fight. We’re talking about a pinpoint attack against a single compound, not a frontal assault by a tank battalion spanning thousands of meters in open terrain. The fact remains that the only way to secure this compound (short of simply leveling the city, which, given its size, would have taken a little “shock and awe”) was by boots on the ground, either through a pre-determined reaction plan from overseas, from Tripoli, or with permanent party personnel at the consulate itself. Actually, one of the first tenants of security is simply presence. IE – show your strength to prevent the enemy from even attempting an attack. I don’t know the granular details of the security structure on the ground – beyond the obvious fact that it was inadequate – but it was predicated on local nationals who had no stomach for a fight and fled. We did, in fact, have forces from Tripoli arrive to help in the fight, but since there was no pre-determined plan, they were stalled at the Benghazi airport looking for transportation.
Is there anything about this scandal that makes you think that there is more to it than just a general who had an extra-marital affair?
Any questions in your mind about why the Americans were there (Benghazi) and who were they?
Was there a detention facility or similar mission being carried out there?
There obviously wasn’t a cocktail party going on, so why was the Ambassador there so late?
These are just a few questions. You don’t need to comment on the specifics. I’m just curious if you’re curious.
I think there are two different things going on, and that they’re unrelated. 1. The extramarital affair. I think it is what it is. GEN Petreaus had an affair, completely separate from any CIA activities. 2. Benghazi and the fallout, which in my mind is simply a clear-cut lapse in security planning. As for secret, nefarious stuff, I firmly don’t believe there was anything going on in Benghazi that isn’t going on in any other corner of the earth. The Ambassador was spending the night in preparation of attending a school opening the next morning. Nothing more. As for the CIA, they have a job of collecting intelligence, and that’s what they were doing. In this case, trying to keep a finger on the pulse of where Libya was headed, how the militias were shaking out, where the ADA missiles were located, etc. I do not believe there was any detention facility there AT ALL. I think Broadwell’s assertion is without merit, as titillating as it is. a. it would be a very, very big deal to step into that pit after being ordered not to by POTUS. There would have to be an overwhelming, compelling need, and Benghazi, in my mind, doesn’t reach that level. It would have had to be someone like Zawahiri to engender that. b. there was no force on the ground that could get such detainees even if they had wanted to break an executive order. We didn’t have some secret commando force over there conducting capture/kill operations. Ignoring me just saying it, think of this: If we did, we wouldn’t have had a problem at the consulate.
I agree with your analogy…perhaps change it to an emergency call out for a part time SWAT team. Some of the guys are away from their equipment, some are partying, It takes time for the decisions to be made, the call go out and for the guys to saddle up and respond to a RP.
On the other hand it is quite possible that the ex-SEAL contractors scarfed up some of the enemy assault force and brought them in for questioning.
Huh. Now that’s a theory I haven’t thought of which could explain the news reports. During the fighting they captured a few guys and were holding them. Could be for questioning, but could also simply be the men were running around the compound and the SEALs couldn’t determine if they were friend or foe (lack of weapons, but on the compound unauthorized, etc), so they detained them along the lines of “better safe than sorry” until they could sort it out. Or something in between the two extremes. In the middle of the fight, I would definitely ignore any executive order about detaining anyone if I thought it was necessary.
It deflates any indication that the attack was launched to rescue them or that the CIA was running a long-term extra-legal detention center, but would explain how such a snippet got extrapolated into something bigger. Happens all the time in news reporting.
Good theory worth exploring.
Wow sir, your assessment and POV on this is refreshing as always. But I must add that Mrs. Broadwell herself said that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was in retaliation for CIA taking prisoners, to attempt to rescue said prisoners. It’s in the video here :
And then there’s the whole Jill Kelley and Gen.Allen angle to it. There is a whole lot more to this fiasco than simple sleaze.
Also, isn’t there a Marine Corps. Rapid Response Unit that’s deployed in situations like this ? It’s unfortunate that that unit was not in the vicinity, even after repeated calls for security to the CIA.
Yeah, there may be something more going on. Remains to be seen, but see my comments in the two responses above RE: a detention center. I don’t hold anything Broadwell says as gospel. She could have very easily heard the theory above, put on her “Intel Hat” and extrapolated a cause and effect that doesn’t exist. Or she could have simply made the whole thing up. While there is a Marine contingent on every Navy float, and they could respond, it would all depend on how close they were. Once again, it would depend on having a plan in place before the crisis.
A lot of commenters seem to think that there are Instant Reaction Teams sitting 24/7/52 in their barracks all over the world waiting for the bell to ring.I recall that during the cold war the 82nd ABN had an alert battalion ready to go all the time but there was a window of time to gear up and get going. But even then there would be a delay involved. If there was a USMC reaction force based in Rota, Spain, how large is it and what is the duty rotation? Would there be say a couple of platoons total with maybe 1 squad waiting for the call at any particular time?
Even here in the USA about two thirds of the manpower of any fire department or police department is off duty at any particular not counting sick days or vacation.
On the other hand on September 11 of any year it would be a good idea to have forces at the starting gate and ready.
Brad – enjoyed your comments on Benghazi. I’m Brad Taylor too – and I’m an aspiring writer. You beat me to publish (darn you). Congratulations on your success. I own – and have for some time … nothing there yet so no need to look, but hope to be joining you on the bookshelves before long. Good luck, and keep up the good commentary.
Thanks, Brad for your creditable insights on such important issues. I like to see a stop to Hillary C.running around with our American paycheck to every country to hates America ! I got your “The Call Sign” on my Nook and now looking forward to “Enemy of Mine”. Think of you when I listen to Mary Chapin Carpenter’s song: “Goodnight America” with a line ” Just roll your window down and smell the salty air perfume of Charleston-town !
Thank you for your service !