Burn in HELL MotherF****er.
And for everyone who ever questioned our resolve or methods, kiss my ass.
Thanks to all the the unsung heroes in our government who fought tirelessly to see this happen, both in the military and the intelligence community. My only regret is I wasn’t standing over his smoking body.
Hot damn, the bastard is finally dead.
A-fkn-men to that,
“My only regret is I wasn’t standing over his smoking body.”
That sums it up.
Why did they choose to bury him at sea? We saw proof of Saddam’s capture and subsequent hanging, but no visual confirmation for Osama. I would think that showing visual proof would be much more important for Osama. Im glad the SOB is dead, but I just want to see visual confirmation. Thoughts?
1.) I’m not sure he was buried at sea. All I’ve seen is a fragment of a news report.
2.) If he was, it makes sense to me. One thing we didn’t want is any perception that we desecrated Islam during this operation. Islam has some pretty stiff timing strictures for proper burial, and trying to sort out where we would plant him in the ground would have taken weeks.
3.) Rest assured, there’s a plethora of proof. It just hasn’t come out yet – but it will. No way does the US want any Johnny-Jihad to start Elvis sightings for the next 20 years. The burial at sea has nothing to do with that. Did you physically see Saddam Hussein, or just a photo/video of him? In this case, there will be photos as well as DNA tests, fingerprints, clothing, and whatever else they can come up with.
Thank you LTC Taylor for the response. I wasn’t trying to be a conspiracy nut or anything, just curious about how they are handling the situation. I heard now that the White House is deliberating whether or not to release photos because they are pretty gruesome. The lucky Seal Team 6 member who got to drop him did so with a head shot.
Good afternoon cousin, Brad. I agree with your responses to “Tyler”. By the way, congrats on the your book, wish I could have been at the book signing:(. Hope you’re doing well. Dorothy
God Bless the USA!!! I enjoy reading your blog, keep them coming. Also, I finally put down the medical school books to finish One Rough Man. It was great.
Come on Brad–how do you really feel? I could not wait to see what you wrote today.
I think the burial at sea was a terrific idea, as you do not want to create a place for pilgrimages by the faithful. Let them go swimming!!!
The most important part of the whole thing is that America made a statement to all these f#$@ers. Mess with us and, to borrow from one of our Service Schools, “you can run, but you’ll only die tired”.
BTW, please write in a smart, effcient and military manner — I just can’t wait for the next book.
Outstanding, Soldier!
asma retired msgt..i say well done
good for you retired master sergent, and i think it sucks that the fact is that the closest thing we,the american public, can see that slightly resembles osama getting put down is computer generated simulations.And its nice to see someone that was sergent in thier rank, my grandpa was a retired marine gunnerysergent, and dad was a specialist in the army
You are all brainwashed,but its not your fault.Think critically and always always question what the corporate media is telling you.
Wow, corporate media. Having been on the short end of media reports about actions I have been involved in, I can’t fault your skepticism. But when the hierarchy of AQ admits bin Laden is dead–through jihadist websites, not ‘corporate media’–I’d say it’s a done deal.