I was eight years old when Watergate broke, and I literally grew up immersed in the belief that the government was always out to cover something up, and the press was the white knight out to expose these transgressions. After seeing the press shenanigans for the last ten years, I think a readjustment is in order. I’m not saying give the government a pass – the inoculation took, and I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them. I’m saying it’s time to shine that same light on the press. They aren’t white knights, out to protect the poor shlep who can’t do it himself. They’re out to make money, no matter whom or what it harms. Everything else is just bullshit posturing in the name of the first amendment.
The Los Angeles Times released a story today detailing U.S. troops posing with the dismembered remains of suicide bombers. Not bombers that had just attacked them, but corpses that the Afghans had reported to US authorities, and which they had been sent out to gather DNA for a database. Cutting edge journalism? Breaking open the next “big story” on the War on Terror? Hell no. The pictures were taken over two years ago, and the story was posted for no other reason than to sell papers. Period. Unfortunately, the story itself will also cost American lives and set back the COIN fight in Afghanistan. But who cares? It’s all freedom of the press.
Before I go on, some disclaimers, like a newscaster revealing their parent company: 1. I served in Fallujah, Iraq with the brigade commander mentioned, when he was a battalion commander. 2. Nothing in here should indicate that I think the soldiers in question deserve special treatment because they were “in combat”. I think they should be hammered, just like the Marines who urinated on corpses.
The Marine story came out right when All Necessary Force was released, and very few interviews went by without someone asking my thoughts. About 90% of the time the interviewer expected me to whine about the “persecution” of the Marines, when in fact, I was vehement about how wrong the action was, and how much damage it had done to our counter-insurgency fight. Even forgetting the strategic implications, make no mistake, desecration of dead combatants is a war crime, period. Yeah, I wasn’t there, and I’m sure it was horrific, but combat in and of itself causes a moral decay the moment you step into the arena. You’re told your whole life “though shalt not kill”, then told, “here’s a gun – go kill that guy”. There’s a reason for the Law of Land Warfare. It’s to prevent armed conflict from devolving into the Lord of the Flies. As for the Marines, they were snipers. An elite. Not a group the guy straight out of boot camp would belong to. They weren’t kids, and they were wrong.
Now, to the LA Times story. Or more precisely, the lack of one. Why on earth did they release this piece? What the hell is the burning issue? Nothing. Ostensibly, the photos were given to the Times because the soldier wanted to “prevent a tragedy” because “security was light” at his base. Really? You go to the Times TWO YEARS LATER and give them inflammatory pictures that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SECURITY OF THE BASE because you’re worried about your fellow soldiers? Bullshit. Plain and simple.
As for the LA Times, they’re murderers in my mind. No different than the driver of a car for a robber who murders someone in a liquor store. They can say all day long that they “didn’t know the effect it would have”, just like the crack-head driver, but they’re responsible for American deaths. For nothing other than to sell newspapers. I hope they’re proud.
I remember when Abu Ghraib broke. I was off my first deployment from Iraq, and disgusted by the story. Disgusted both by the soldiers involved, and by the press that reported it. The Pentagon was already doing an investigation into the events, and would have pursued justice regardless of the stories, but the release itself was a strategic calamity that literally could be compared to Pearl Harbor in its damage. There’s a ton of second guessing going on about how long Iraq lasted, but none is pointed at the press that caused it.
I remember reading Newsweek’s excuse for releasing the photos when I was fresh from the battlefield. In summary, it said, “The Pentagon asked us not to release them because of the extreme adverse effect it would have, and we agreed. Then, another news source said they were going to release them regardless of what the Pentagon asked, so we beat them to the punch because we would have lost the money involved with the scoop.” That was the last Newsweek magazine delivered to my house. In fact, the last one I have ever read.
Yeah, it was all about journalistic integrity. And the almighty dollar. There is no telling how many American – and Iraqi – lives were lost because those photos were published. And for what? In the end, the Army finished its investigation, and the primary face of the abuse – Lynddie England – received a whopping three years in prison. Something she would have received whether or not the pictures had come out anyway. The military, unlike the civilian courts, could give a rat’s ass about the press involved, and looked strictly at the facts.
You think I’m making up the concrete impact of a press for hire? Two years after Abu Ghraib the mighty Newsweek published another story detailing soldiers in GITMO flushing Quran’s down the toilet in an effort to get detainees to talk. The story was picked up in Afghanistan and the Middle East, and the typical riots ensued. After at least fifteen deaths, Newsweek apologized. Turns out the entire thing was bullshit, based on an “anonymous” source. Oh well, at least it sold magazines. Who cares how many people still believe it?
I fought for over twenty years defending the constitution, and like everything in America, some people do what’s right, and some people manipulate and cower behind the constitution to promote their own interests. I’ll fight for both of them, but it sickens me.
In Abu Ghraib’s case, unsurprisingly, the “other press” that Newsweek wanted to beat to the punch was none other than Seymour Hersh, whom I’ve already shown in another post as a lying opportunist. In the LA Times piece, it’s hard to show any redeeming reasons for the story.
In an ultimate twist of irony, the LA Times states in their earth-shattering scoop, “The photos have emerged at a particularly sensitive moment for U.S.-Afghan relations. In January, a video appeared on the Internet showing four U.S. Marines urinating on Afghan corpses. In February, the inadvertent burning of copies of the Koran at a U.S. base triggered riots that left 30 dead and led to the deaths of six Americans. In March, a U.S. Army sergeant went on a nighttime shooting rampage in two Afghan villages, killing 17.”
Wow. Really? The photos “emerged”, like they showed up in downtown LA walking down the street flipping off the pedestrians? Or like you looked at your flagging sales and decided to publish some titillation for the American public that you knew would garner national press? Regardless of the international repurcussions, and despite the fact that the department of defense begged you not to? Give me a break. Liar.
At the end of the day, all counter-insurgency is a fight for legitimacy between the insurgents and the incumbent government. It’s an information fight. Stories like this undercut the COIN campaign in tangible, concrete ways, beyond the simple loss of life. I remember very well collecting data on foreign fighters in Iraq in an effort to understand their motivations. Overall numbers are still classified, but rest assured, when asked “Why are you here fighting”, the answer “Abu Ghraib” was in the top three. And not because they heard it on the street, like some apologists would have you believe, as if the Newsweek story was lagging way behind what was already known all over the Middle East. No, it was because they had the damn digital pictures in their hands courtesy of the American press. Along with an incredibly unbelievable propaganda fantasy built with the bricks of the Newsweek piece.
Very few in the press understand- or even care – how sensitive the perception fight in COIN is, or how the LA Times’ straight-forward “story” can be manipulated overseas. They live in a world of democracy that I protect, and use that to sell newspapers at the expense of United States’ national goals. And U.S. citizen’s lives. I, for one, am getting a little sick of the press prancing around in a halo, reporting anything they want and passing it off as a “Watergate” impact that we have to hear because the “evil” military is covering something up, when it’s nothing more than salacious BS designed to generate money, exactly comparable to TMZ reporting on Tiger Woods crashing his SUV.
Well, exactly comparable if the Tiger Woods reports had caused real follow-on death and destruction.
Mr. Taylor,
I could not agree more, I feel that the press does not understand the damage they do in the interest of their pursuit for the story. The public does not have the right to the information in immediacy that is currently commonplace in today’s media. With lives in jeopardy, there needs to be a constraint, with money being involved there is no constraint. The media/press have no conscience that was the hallmark of the press of the early 1900’s preceding and during the first World War. The press was held liable for the leaks and damages caused by the careless reporting of today, sometimes with charges of treason. Many of today’s so-called journalist are not worthy of the journalist title, when bloggers and sites like wiki-leaks are allowed to flourish with no basis in fact or regard to the consequences of the actions caused by the information printed / televised / blogged /tweeted / ……
Thank you Brad for putting into words what so many American’s are thinking. The media has lost sight of the repercussions of what an un-researched story reaps. People have a knee-jerk to things they read, true or fabricated.
I despise it, when a few of our people in uniform make horrible decisions and it makes the military as a whole get run into the ground. Those few, do not represent what good people our all volunteer military has. And why is it that our media seems to pride themselves on making our military look bad every opportunity they get? Most of the media is a bunch of cowards that never wore a uniform of any kind.
Thank you Brad for pointing out what a cesspool the media has become.
Thanks for the great post, Sir.
Although I would like to see this trend in the media come to an end, there doesn’t seem to be a clear answer to fixing the problems in the news. State-controlled media presents another set of issues and is not a welcomed alternative. It is wishful thinking to assume that the media will become enlightened before too much damage is done. Maybe that’s already happened. Do you think that public opinion is the only way to effect change for the better?
Obviously, state controlled media would be the worst thing that could occur. Even government censorship is an anathema to a democratic society. If we had that we would never have had watergate or the current GSA scandal. A truly free press is necessary for a free country. Public opinion would work, because at the end of the day the stories are prepared with the public in mind. The more of the public they can capture, the better off they are. Unfortunately, most of the public could care less. In the past, it was the news organ itself that made the hard call, restricting publication after making qualified judgements. But that was the past, when there were only so many different outlets. Back then, the LA Times could decide not publishing the story because they knew that at the end of the day, most everyone in LA was still going to read their paper over breakfast. Now, they’re competing with a 24 hour news cycle and the internet. The survival of their whole industry isn’t looking good, and they’ve decided to err on the side of profits in an effort to stay afloat. In competing with sleazy blog sites, they’ve become one, publishing anything that will garner attention no matter who it harms. Nobility in the press has gone the way of Walter Cronkite. It’s sad, but simply a fact of life.
Mr. Taylor,
As a serving member of the US Army I’ve really enjoyed your first book, and Dalton Fury’s Blacksite novel. I agree that the US media has a Watergate complex, trying to re-live their fantasy days of Vietnam and the Nixon Administration. But William Randolph Herst was possibly the first one to manipulate public sentiment in an effort to drive sales and also shape politics.
Your response regarding state-controlled media and information reminded me of a recent news article on Nancy Pelosi and her support for news and information control. She endorsed a movement by other Democrats to ratify an amendment to the US Constitution’s First Amendment. That amendment would allow Congress to regulate political speech. I find it absolutely incredible that any American put forward such a change. That change would completely alter our nation’s rights and freedoms and negate the last 400 years of nation-building in North America. This is what occurs in all Socialist and dictatorship governments, on the right or the left, and leads to Gestapo actions.
Very scary, not that she supported such a lunatic thing but that other “Americans” came up with it in the first place – not some loony fringe group but US Congressional Democrats.
Keep up the good writing.
De Opresso Liber.
Giving the general population in a COIN arena the opportunity to make a better life seems to be a cornerstone of success of the US versus the reigning government (what we consider oppressive). Opportunity is the key word. When the opportunity givers (the US) are shown in a light that the general population considers as bad if not worse than their current government the US and particularly OUR soldiers lose not only support from the general population but that loss of support actually empowers the “enemy” to do more in their fight for dominance.
Media reports like the flushing of the Koran or abuse of the dead leads thousands of Muslim citizens back from the hard fought, life taking gains that took the US years to accomplish. In my mind this type of misinformation and/or bias reporting should be dealt with in a traitorous light versus a freedom of the press, first amendment right. For every “bad” story there are thousand and thousands of “good” stories to be told… where are these stories reported?
Not to give the urinating Marines or the Abu Ghraib a pass but to me it’s a small minority of our troops making bad (maybe very bad) decisions that are NOT representative of the values held by our military. The actions not only of a very small minority in the military but also by a majority of our televised and print news media have serious repercussions. The media is, I believe, yelling FIRE in a theater when it’s only someone opening their cell phone…. oops, sorry. The military seems to deal with their problems quickly and despite the media. Who then empowers the media to their bias and damaging reports…. money and power seem to be the answer.
Brad Taylor, your my kind of American. I subscribe to your way of thinking. I had my time in the Far East, you’ve had yours in the Middle East and all of these military actions keep each state in the United States free from the bloodshed we see around the world.
I don’t think the general public in the US has any idea what the stakes are in the war against terrorism. Our narcissistic leaders are not really leaders but users and takers. In fifty years we won’t recognize this country anymore than people today would recognize the US in 1972.
Illegitimi non carborundum
Thank you for posting what many of us feel. For some of us our integrity, is worth more than any amount of money! I applaud you!
Like others here, I wish the general public had a plethora of opportunities to read this very blog or, at least, to hear points and counterpoints to extremely distasteful and horrific “journalism” that leads to the deaths of our soldiers. I despise those that hide behind the freedom of speech and I honor all of our soldiers, past and present.
former US Army Artillery
Well said Taylor.