
The Syrian Conundrum Part Four – Rinse and Repeat

Royalty-free stock vector ID: 211642960 After the latest strikes in Syria, President Donald Trump tweeted, “Mission Accomplished!” Besides the obvious subliminal baggage of using the same term that President George W. Bush used early on in a war in which we’re still embroiled fifteen years later, what, exactly does that mean? What “mission” was accomplished? And I mean beyond the partisan divide. Beyond the left shouting that President Trump was “wagging the dog” to detract from his lawyer’s office raid and FBI Director Comey’s upcoming blistering [...]

By |2023-12-13T13:56:10-05:00April 15th, 2018|Blog|5 Comments

The Syrian Conundrum Part III: Crossing the red line…Again

  To say the least, the Tomahawk strike on Syria has caused a great amount of chatter throughout the world, but most of it is misplaced and some is outright outlandish. I thought I’d weigh in, not in a partisan way, with an agenda, but simply to clear the air a bit. So here, in no order of precedence, are the primary questions being asked: Who did the chemical strike in Syria? The minute I heard that chemical weapons had been used in Idlib, the first thing I [...]

By |2017-11-29T22:34:34-05:00April 9th, 2017|Blog|18 Comments

The Syrian Conundrum Part II: From Russia With Love

What a clown-fest.  I’ve wanted to update my latest Syria blog, but one bizarre thing after another kept occurring.  First, Secretary of State Kerry gave an impassioned speech on why we should immediately strike Assad, and, as I said in my last blog, I agreed with him (yes, that’s past tense).  Instead of using his legal powers as president to strike, as Kerry implied would happen, President Obama backed up and asked congress for permission.  Secretary Kerry, in an odd choice of words, scared the pants off of [...]

By |2013-09-12T22:12:08-04:00September 12th, 2013|Blog|7 Comments
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