
The Libyan Conundrum, Part II: What now?

I guess my blog isn’t as well read as it should be, since everyone involved in the attack against Libya is acting surprised at the initial results.  The Arab League endorsed a no-fly zone without realizing it meant attacking Libya, and the Obama administration is desperately trying to keep from choosing sides when the coalition in the fight has already chosen. Today the Arab League, after watching 112 tomahawk cruise missiles slam into Libya, started getting a little antsy, saying, “What is happening in Libya differs from the [...]

By |2011-03-20T10:06:03-04:00March 20th, 2011|Blog|8 Comments

The Libyan Conundrum

On March 10, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, was castigated for stating that Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, if left to its own devices, would eventually prevail.   Clapper has made some ridiculous statements in the past, but this isn’t one of them.  Only in Washington would telling the truth be deemed irresponsible.   Fast forward to today, and Gadhafi has retaken critical cities and an oil refinery lost to the rebels, and shows no signs of backing down.  Looks like Clapper was right on this one. During my book [...]

By |2011-03-14T08:05:16-04:00March 14th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment
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