
The Syrian Conundrum Part Four – Rinse and Repeat

Royalty-free stock vector ID: 211642960 After the latest strikes in Syria, President Donald Trump tweeted, “Mission Accomplished!” Besides the obvious subliminal baggage of using the same term that President George W. Bush used early on in a war in which we’re still embroiled fifteen years later, what, exactly does that mean? What “mission” was accomplished? And I mean beyond the partisan divide. Beyond the left shouting that President Trump was “wagging the dog” to detract from his lawyer’s office raid and FBI Director Comey’s upcoming blistering [...]

By |2023-12-13T13:56:10-05:00April 15th, 2018|Blog|5 Comments

Another tragic shooting, and the same tired arguments. Why is that?

After the Las Vegas Massacre, I wrote a blog for After the tragic events in Florida, I thought it was appropriate to post it again here, on my website.  Not to start a debate, but to show where the debate now stands and why nothing gets done.  There are sensible gun safety regulations I would support, but honestly, because of the partisan world we live in, I have no faith in the opposition to offer anything that would prevent the tragedy that occurred, instead using the tragedy [...]

By |2018-02-16T19:42:06-05:00February 16th, 2018|Blog, Uncategorized|10 Comments

Transgenders in the Military? Please stop the Hyperbole – It’s Not About Equality.

President Trump’s tweet on transgender personnel serving in the military has generated enormous controversy, but – besides the incredibly idiotic way it was announced (I’m sure PACOM now has a staff duty officer whose sole function is to look at Trump’s twitter feed for “I’m going to war with North Korea”) – the actual issue is being buried in the weeds of emotion. First off, even though I’ll be tarred and feathered with the following slurs, let me say upfront I’m not homophobic. I’m not transphobic. I don’t [...]

By |2020-05-09T13:04:19-04:00July 29th, 2017|Blog|44 Comments

The Syrian Conundrum Part III: Crossing the red line…Again

  To say the least, the Tomahawk strike on Syria has caused a great amount of chatter throughout the world, but most of it is misplaced and some is outright outlandish. I thought I’d weigh in, not in a partisan way, with an agenda, but simply to clear the air a bit. So here, in no order of precedence, are the primary questions being asked: Who did the chemical strike in Syria? The minute I heard that chemical weapons had been used in Idlib, the first thing I [...]

By |2017-11-29T22:34:34-05:00April 9th, 2017|Blog|18 Comments

Some fast facts on NATO

Lately, there’s been some discussion about NATO and its member nations not paying their fair share, leaving the American public believing that the United States is getting screwed making up the shortfall. It’s not that clear cut. With the transition between Commander's in Chief, I thought I'd clear the air a little bit, and describe exactly what the cost is with NATO since both the outgoing commander in chief and the incoming seem to use the numbers to drive up interest. Bottom line up front: We don’t spend [...]

By |2018-07-08T12:13:00-04:00January 19th, 2017|Blog|12 Comments

A Simple Primer on “NoFlyNoBuy”: It’s Complicated

The NRA and the right are getting shellacked for apparently religiously protecting gun rights to the point that they’d rather allow terrorists to buy weapons than give one damn inch at anything smacking of gun control. It seems simple enough: If you’re on a no-fly list, you shouldn’t be able to buy a gun. I mean, really, if the government thinks you’re so dangerous they won’t allow you to even enter an aircraft AFTER going through TSA security, why in the world would the NRA defend your right [...]

By |2017-12-12T18:20:05-05:00June 17th, 2016|Blog|25 Comments

Waterboarding – or “The Way I Can Show How Big My Balls Are on TV”

I purposely don’t get into political debates on this forum, but I’ve grown a little weary of the current debate surrounding waterboarding and torture, as if the entire discussion was a referendum on who’s going to be “tougher” on terrorism. Today, the director of the CIA said he’d never allow his men to waterboard. From that came a bunch of talking heads opining about his comments – none of whom have ever heard a shot fired in anger, and all of whom seem to believe that being savage [...]

By |2016-04-11T23:22:55-04:00April 11th, 2016|Blog|12 Comments

Donald Trump, Gun Control, and the Lunacy of Fear

In my hometown, a stone’s throw from my house, Donald Trump – on an aircraft carrier that actually helped destroy the tyranny of fascism – doubled down on his statement that all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. If you’ve read my blogs, you’ll see that I understand there’s an issue with Islam. The left doesn’t want to admit it, and the right wants to demonize it, which would be business as usual in our republic, but this proclamation is possibly the scariest thing I [...]

By |2015-12-08T20:05:58-05:00December 8th, 2015|Blog|64 Comments

A Simple Primer on Assault Weapons Part II: Some Inconvenient Truths

The San Bernardino terrorist attacks have spawned an editorial on page one from the vaunted New York Times, its first time doing so in nearly a century. What would cause the Gray Lady to be so incensed? Surely it has something to do with the Islamic State, or maybe our vulnerability to other terrorist actions and our ability to combat it. Surely they would use such an unprecedented event for this menace that we can barely comprehend. But no, that’s not what it used its front-page platform to [...]

By |2015-12-06T22:12:19-05:00December 6th, 2015|Blog|21 Comments

What’s in a name?

It’s the political silly season – or at least the start of it – and candidates are grasping at anything to use as a weapon to garner support. Into this cauldron is thrown the religion of Islam and the terrorists of the Islamic State, with the terminology providing the fault line. The left refuses to use the term “Islam” when discussing the Islamic State, preferring to completely separate the religion from terrorist’s actions. The right, on the other hand, seems to firmly believe the solution to defeating the [...]

By |2015-12-02T14:35:50-05:00December 2nd, 2015|Blog|9 Comments
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